DRCSIM: Loss of dynamics parameters accuracy
In general the conversion from drc_skeleton.cfg to model.sdf is dropping bits. For example:
moi_xx = 0.0039092029372626179
moi_xy = -5.0449050133996959e-08
moi_xz = -0.00034215713173324773
moi_yy = 0.0034169356417788309
moi_yz = 4.8711939124200493e-07
moi_zz = 0.0017449235428106818
com_x = -0.01129844
com_y = -3.1536621e-006
com_z = 0.074683465
becomes inertia ixx="0.0039092" ixy="-5.04491e-08" ixz="-0.000342157" iyy="0.00341694" iyz="4.87119e-07" izz="0.00174492"
Although this is probably negligible, it is not wise to let the dynamics model parameter "resolution" be determined by how "%g" works, and raises the question of which is the "true" model.