joint_state ROS topic from Gazebo and ros_control
I am trying to learn Gazebo/ROS from the tutorials and I am confused about a couple of things.
When I run Gazebo as a ROS node, does Gazebo publish to the /joint_state topic? It does not seem like it does from looking at the topic subscriber/publisher graph. Is there a way for me to do this? It seems like necessary information to have for programming the robot from ROS. Also, I would like to view the state of the robot in rviz, which needs /tf data which in turn needs /joint_states (afaik).
I do not understand ros_control and how it works with gazebo at all. ros_control is pretty much undocumented in ROS. Any suggestions on where to start looking for information? Or if somebody could give me a quick high level overview that would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks in advance.