"Getting remote endpoint failed." on OSX
I've installed Gazebo 1.9.0 using the homebrew formula on OSX (10.8.4). I can run gzserver and then gzclient and use Gazebo with no problem. Running the "gazebo" executable however gives the following error:
hododav@Davids-MacBook-Air:~/Downloadsâ« gazebo
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 1.9.1
Copyright (C) 2013 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 1.9.1
Copyright (C) 2013 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.
Msg Waiting for masterError [Connection.cc:786] Getting remote endpoint failed
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
Msg Waiting for master
Msg Connected to gazebo master @
Msg Publicized address:
2013-08-27 08:12:29.303 gzserver[94557:707] invalid drawable
I also updated the formula to pull 1.9.1 and reinstalled and still get the same error. Any suggestions on what could be causing this or how to troubleshoot it?