Gazebo 1.5: pointcloud data is rotated and flipped?
Hi there!
I set up a gazebo simulation with the Clearpath Husky A200 robot, on which I mounted a kinect camera at the front bumper and a hokuyo laserscan on top of the rail.
Here is the situation:
For the hokuyo laser scan I use the "" plugin. It works fine and provides the scan data on the "/scan" topic.
For the kinnect camera I am using the "", which provides "/kinect/image_raw", "/kinect/image_depth" and "/kinect/pointcloud" topics.
The camera can see this (screenshots taken from RVIZ):
So far, everything is looking good. So here comes the thing, when I tell RVIZ to show the "pointcloud" topic, which comes from the same camera, the siuation looks like this.
RIVZ pointcloud:
The red points indicate the edges of the trash dumpster, which is recognized correctly by the hokuyo laser scan.
But why the hell is the point cloud data coming from the kinect flipped and projected into the sky? I would have expected it to be overlaying with the red laserscan data... I tried the whole day rotating the data but could not find a solution. Does anyone know what to do?
Best regards psei