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Not publishing Camera Info topic and I receive the follow message "WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?" <depthImageCameraInfoTopicName>


I'm working with Gazebo and kinect (libgazebo_ros_openni_kinect). The camera info topic are not been published, I got the "WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?"

Not published topics:


My kinect plugin have the following configuration:

<plugin name="camera" filename="" >



Asked by barcelosandre on 2013-09-10 17:36:15 UTC



Whats your output of "rostopic list" ?

To view the camera info topic, you should type "rostopic echo /kinect_camera/camera/depth_registered/camera_info" according to your configuration.

Asked by psei on 2013-09-13 03:07:52 UTC


I am struggling with the same problem. the outputs of my rostopic are "/gazebo/link_state" or alike, which I believe have nothing to do with the plugin.

Asked by simbazgb on 2014-08-12 12:41:06 UTC

What version of ROS and gazebo are you using?

Asked by nkoenig on 2014-08-13 10:02:10 UTC

I am using hydro with 1.9 gazebo. I tried turtlebot_gazebo package last night, and I can see those topics published. But I'd like to create another robot with sensor, but it doesn't work. I hacked kinect::model.sdf a bit, because kinect sdf doesn't contain a plugin as hokuyo does. Thanks for replying! I have problems probably because I am new.

Asked by simbazgb on 2014-08-13 18:08:28 UTC

Seems to me that add to urdf works well. I can run a kinect in gazebo well. When I replied days ago, I was trying to copy the tag to a sdf file. At this point, I may have to stick to urdf to get things work. Thanks for reply again, nkoenig.

Asked by simbazgb on 2014-08-16 17:01:14 UTC

Are you using sim time? In you launch file you should have:

Asked by nkoenig on 2013-09-14 20:21:43 UTC
