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Is it possible to simulate a soccer game using Humanoids in Gazebo?

asked 2013-09-27 11:07:29 -0500

Hello Everyone!!

Is it possible to simulate a soccer game using Humanoids in Gazebo?

A lot of thanks!!

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vncntmh gravatar imagevncntmh ( 2013-10-02 21:38:43 -0500 )edit

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answered 2013-10-04 11:08:47 -0500

nkoenig gravatar image

It's possible, but simulation would be mighty slow (depending on the complexity of the humanoid robots)

Defining the soccer field would be easier. Just create a flat plane with a green texture and the appropriate lines. The goals can be modeled using cylinders and boxes.

Next, you'd have to create a humanoid model, or use Atlas. Controlling the humanoid robot is also no small feat, but definitely do-able.

Then you'd have to model the dynamics of the soccer ball. You could potentially use a Bullet soft-body.

A world-plugin could be used to keep score, and track the ball for out-of-bounds. And you could also get fancy by monitoring collisions between robots for fouls.

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Asked: 2013-09-27 11:07:29 -0500

Seen: 1,093 times

Last updated: Oct 04 '13