Robot twitches in simulation
I'm been trying to simulate differential drive on my robot and I'm having trouble making the robot move smoothly. I've put in all of the friction coefficients and tried to apply torque to the wheels, but my robot just twitches. If I apply commands to one wheel, the robot will turn in a 360, but it'll take several minutes to do so.
I specified the motors as follows
<transmission name="wheel_left_tran">
<joint name="to_wheel_left"/>
<actuator name="motor1">
<transmission name="wheel_right_tran">
<joint name="to_wheel_right"/>
<actuator name="motor2">
I haven't built the differiential drive plugin, so I'm using the following plugin to validate the physical characteristic of my robot
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_control" filename="">
Has anyone seen this problem before? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!