Failed to load plugin from gazebo_plugins (gazebo_ros_depth_camera) using ROS hydro and gazebo 1.9
Hi I'm currently trying to use the gazeborosdepthcamera plugin provided by the gazeboplugins package and am getting an error. The SDF I am using also contains other custom written plugins that successfully loads. However I can't seem to get gazebo to load the gazeborosdepthcamera. I've tried exporting the "pluginpath" within the package.xml file as well as set the absolute plugin path in the SDF. The error I am getting is this:
Error [Plugin.hh:127] Failed to load plugin /opt/ros/hydro/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have verified exists at the default location (/opt/ros/hydro/lib/). The way I am using the SDF is by first launching a world via roslaunch. I then spawn the SDF using rosrun gazeboros spawn_model. Any ideas why Plugin.hh would fail to load this plugin when the file is verified to be at the specified location? Thanks.