No gazebo_ros packge
I'm sure I'm doing something stupid, but what combination of software do I need to have installed for there to be a gazeboros package, as is referenced in the Gazebo 1.9 tutorials for interfacing with ROS? I'm trying to spawn a model with an XACRO file, and I believe this boot has ROS Groovy installed as well as Gazebo 1.9, but I definitely don't have a gazeboros folder. My ROSPACKAGEPATH includes opt/ros/groovy/stacks, and hidden way down inside of it is the spawnmodel script, but I would have expected that in a folder actually called gazeboros, assuming that I understand the structure of sending ROS commands correctly.
Is there an actual folder called gazebo_ros, or is that just some kind of pointer? I can start up a roscore, but I wonder if we might not have the full ROS suite installed, and how much of that is necessary to run the tutorial.