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Unsure why getting empty topics and services for Gazebo run through ROS Hydro

I was following the instructions on here: and everything was working fine with loading an empty environment. I launched with

roscore & rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo

However, when I checked rostopic list, I only got /rosout /rosoutagg in return. Similarly, when checking rosservice list, I only got /rosout/getloggers /rosout/setloggerlevel instead of the list of gazebo topics and services.

I realized that it said the instructions were for 1.9 and when I checked my version it said I'd installed 2.0. Is 1.9 the latest that's compatible with ROS Hydro? I'm running ROS Hydro and Ubuntu 12.04.

Asked by AndrewT on 2013-10-17 18:17:50 UTC


How did you install ros_gazebo_pkgs, from debs or from source? If from debs, what version is installed in your system?.

Asked by Jose Luis Rivero on 2013-10-30 09:34:31 UTC
