Qt and cmake errors while building gazebo_ros_pkgs for ROS Groovy
Hello everyone,
I am installing Gazebo with ROS Groovy and I have landed up with a number of errors. First I installed Gazebo 1.9 from the Source using the link (http://gazebosim.org/wiki/1.9/install). Gazebo runs perfectly when I do the gazebo in the terminal. However, when I download the gazeborospkgs for ROS Groovy as stated in (http://gazebosim.org/wiki/Tutorials/1.9/InstallinggazeborosPackages), then I do a catkinmake, I get the following error::
CMake Error at /opt/ros/groovy/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:72 (findpackage): Could not find a configuration file for package cmakemodules.
Set cmakemodulesDIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for cmake_modules. The file will have one of the following names:
I did try the solution from this forum using the link (http://answers.gazebosim.org/question/4026/installing-gazebo-19-and-gazeborospkgs-from/), where I did a "git clone https://github.com/ros/cmakemodules.git" in the catkinws/src, but unfortunately it did not solve the problem. Then I removed roscontrol, roscontroller, realtimetools, and controltoolbox from the src directory since I did not find any dependency for the gazeborospkgs. Now, when I build the gazeborospkgs, I get the following error at around 95% of the build process.
/usr/local/lib/libgazeboguibuilding.so: error: undefined reference to 'QTextEdit::QTextEdit(QWidget)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QTextEdit::setText(QString const&)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QTextEdit::setReadOnly(bool)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsScene::sceneRect() const' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsScene::setSceneRect(QRectF const&)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QWidget::move(QPoint const&)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QCursor::QCursor(QPixmap const&, int, int)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsScene::QGraphicsScene(QObject)' /usr/local/lib/libgazeboguibuilding.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsScene::setBackgroundBrush(QBrush const&)' /usr/local/lib/libgazeboguibuilding.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsView::setScene(QGraphicsScene)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsView::centerOn(QPointF const&)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsView::setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::ViewportUpdateMode)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsView::setDragMode(QGraphicsView::DragMode)' /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_gui_building.so: error: undefined reference to 'QGraphicsScene::addItem(QGraphicsItem)'
What should I do? I do have the QtDir set in the bashrc file. Please help.