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Temperature sensor and sensor plugin

How can create a a simple temperature sensor? A simple sensor that read a custom message with an information of the temperature that is the output of a world plugin.

Asked by GuidoG on 2013-10-30 08:37:43 UTC



The easiest solution is to create a model plugin that receives and outputs messages that you need.

Model plugin tutorial

Custom message tutorial for creating custom messages.

Asked by nkoenig on 2013-11-01 18:37:06 UTC


The temperature is outpuded in a custom message by a world plug in my world. Then I'm trying to find a way to read this message: my first idea was to write a sensor plugin, but i need to write also a specific sensor to do that, right?

Asked by GuidoG on 2013-11-04 05:24:38 UTC

Yeah, you'd have to write a sensor. I think you can bypass writing a sensor by just writing a model plugin. The model plugin can read the message from the world, and process it as necessary.

Asked by nkoenig on 2013-11-07 16:55:50 UTC

I can't find anywhere information abuot the creation of a new sensor. Someomne can help me?

Asked by GuidoG on 2013-11-18 05:26:36 UTC

Take a look at SensorsIface.hh

Asked by nkoenig on 2013-11-18 17:42:08 UTC