published topic dose not appear in the list of rostopics?
I have a ros enabled model plugin, in which I am publishing the pose of a robot. Similar way as in the following answer
The problem is when I check out the published topics using rostopic list, the topic (gz/pose) do not appear in the list when I start gazebo with roslaunch [package name] [launch_file]
but when I start gazebo with ( gazebo, the topic appeared in the list of rostopics. Can anyone please tell me why this might happen? And what I did wrong?
Thanks in advance
Hi, can you post your launch file? using roslaunch should not change the behavior of your plugins (but it might change the namespace etc)
Hello, this is my launch file :
<launch> <include file="$(find gazeboros)/launch/emptyworld.launch"> <arg name="worldname" value="$(find sensors)/worlds/"/> </include> </launch>
hope you can help me to solve it, because I need to extract pose data from rosbag to plot it. Thanks in advance