How to change the origin in Gazebo?
I have problems when to try to load this robot:
I have problems when to try to load this robot:
If your model is in SDF format, then you can add a <pose>
element under the <model>
tag which will apply an offset to the robot origin.
For example to raise the robot by 1 meter:
<model name="nao">
<pose>0 0 1 0 0 0</pose>
<link ...
If I want to spawn a multi link robot with an offset on the z direction, do I have to specify the offset for each link or there's a more general command for this that moves the robot all at once?
Asked: 2013-12-17 21:41:36 -0500
Seen: 37,141 times
Last updated: Dec 18 '13
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Is your model given in URDF or SDF format?
the model is SDF format