different robot speed due to change in controller
Hi there,
so far I have been using the differential drive plug-in to control my 4 wheeled robot. However, a few weeks ago I found that Gazebo also offers a skid steering drive controller. I found this to be more fitting for my robot and used it so far without any problems. However, I just realized, that this plug-in always instructs the robot to go half the speed that I command (isn't that weird???). In direct comparison, a robot commanded to go with say 2 m/s with this controller (libhuskygazeboplugins.so):
<plugin name="husky_diff_controller" filename="libhusky_gazebo_plugins.so">
Will move with the commanded 2m/s. However, the same robot will only move with 1m/s if commanded with this controller (libgazeborosskidsteerdrive.so):
<plugin name="husky_diff_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_skid_steer_drive.so">
Anyone know why that might be? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Maybe the torque parameter ?