Question about the difference between installing Gazebo by sudo apt-get install gazebo and from source?
Hello everyone! I've install Gazebo by the order sudo apt-get install gazebo, and I want to know something internal in Gazebo,especially about how the Hokuyo simulates in principle and what the source code bout taht. So whether should I install Gazebo from source so that I can understand something deep in Gazebo?
Asked by ran95yu on 2014-04-24 09:00:54 UTC
If I understand you correctly, you are looking for the gazebo source code in order to check how Hokuyo is simulated. When installing .deb packages you are not getting the code in any manner, so yes, you need to download the code from the bitbucket repository.
Instructions to compile gazebo from source are available at
Asked by Jose Luis Rivero on 2014-05-06 11:25:41 UTC
you could still use the .deb packages but download the source just for you reference (without need to compile it)
Asked by peshala on 2014-05-09 19:43:54 UTC