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How to set kinetic friction force to a wheel joint in a car

asked 2014-04-26 00:33:45 -0500

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Hi, pros. I'm a newbie of Gazebo simulation. I'd like to ask for your advice on how to kinetic friction force to a wheel joint in a car. What i'm using to push a car run is two function:


this->joints[i]->SetMaxForce(1, (gas +brake) * this->rearPower);

(in which gas and brake are changed during test. Others are stable).

I suppose that while my car is running at a velocity V, if i gas and brake i Zero, then my car should run slower graduately due to dynamic friction force to stop. But i don't know how to set this condition.

Please help me to figure it out. Thanks.

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answered 2014-05-07 07:58:17 -0500

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I've found out my answer. Here is my intuition: - Build equation of Forces applying on the car, including: kinetic friction force, F of engine (regarding velocity (v''), (F of the air and other) . - Transform the above equation into Laplace and solve it => F of engine(s)/V(s) => Design PID controller.

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Asked: 2014-04-26 00:33:45 -0500

Seen: 1,099 times

Last updated: May 07 '14