How do you get kinect data?
How do you get the kinect depth and image data from the sensor? If I insert the kinect into a world, there are no topics to get data from? Note I am not using ROS, just Gazebo.
How do you get the kinect depth and image data from the sensor? If I insert the kinect into a world, there are no topics to get data from? Note I am not using ROS, just Gazebo.
{ this->camera = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sensors::depthcamerasensor>(sensors::SensorManager::Instance()->GetSensor(this->world->GetName() + "::" + this->model->GetScopedName()+ "::kinect")); if(!this->camera) std::cout<<"kinect not found!"<<std::endl; this-="">camera->SetUpdateRate(30); }
void MyPlugin::PublishStates()
* after run 100 times, collect the camera image
* then publish the observation
if(runCNT % 100 == 0)
this->runCNT = 1;
ROS_ERROR("kinect camera is not active!!! ");
// publish observation
const unsigned char* img = this->camera->ImageData();
my_msgs::ObsData obs;
// static unsigned char * mem = new unsigned char [640*480*3];
// memcpy(mem, img, 640*480*3);
// for(unsigned int i=0;i<640*480*3;i++)
//[i] = double(img[i]);, img, img+320*240*3);
obs.shape[0] = 320;
obs.shape[1] = 240;
// camera test
// this->camera->SaveFrame("/home/1.jpg");
this->runCNT ++;
Asked: 2014-04-26 17:37:38 -0600
Seen: 653 times
Last updated: Jun 22 '18
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