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RFIDSensor Implementation

Hello folks,

I'm trying to build-up a variant of SLAM that includes RFID localization. Thus, I'm in need of an RFID sensor that can interface with ROS. I've noticed that there's no gazeborospkgs for such a sensor, but there's both an and an RFIDSensor.hh under gazebo's sensors example folder. However, I don't know to use them exactly.

Are they complete and only need building to generate the .so ? If so, could you kindly specify the steps as I'm still quite new to the concepts.

Thanks and cheers !

Asked by Soyuz on 2014-05-02 23:24:10 UTC



It seems that there isn't a plugin to interface gazebo::sensors::RFIDSensor with ROS.

In any case, it may be fairly easy to implement such plugin. Take as example the gazebo_ros_bumper plugin (.cpp and .h). This plugin interfaces gazebo::sensors::ContactSensor with ROS.

Just in case here you can find the list of gazebo sensors and in this wiki you can find the list of gazebo-ros plugins.

Asked by Francisco on 2014-05-06 03:06:43 UTC


Thank you for the precisions, they were helpful. However, I have no prior c++ knowledge so it's not that easy for me. I did tinker around with the code and come around with attached files. Can you please have a look at them and give some corrections and more directions ?

Thank you !

GazeboRosRfid.cpp :

GazeboRosRfid.h :

GazeboRosRfidTag.cpp :

GazeboRosRfidTag.h :

Asked by Soyuz on 2014-05-08 11:26:50 UTC


@Soyuz please edit your original question with updated information or use comments.Your RFID plugin suggestion is interesting. Did you manage to get it to work?

This might be of interest to you @Ahsan.

Asked by isura on 2014-05-10 13:17:35 UTC

@Soyuz please edit your original question with updated information or use comments. Your RFID plugin suggestion is interesting. Did you manage to get it to work?

Asked by isura on 2014-05-10 13:17:48 UTC

@Soyuz please edit your original question with updated information or use comments. Your RFID plugin suggestion is interesting. Did you manage to get it to work?

Asked by isura on 2014-05-10 13:18:03 UTC