gzserver takes too much time to install
I am trying to install gazebo3 on Ubuntu12.04 following the instructions on http://gazebosim.org/wiki/3.0/install for Ubuntu Debians. Step 3 says Check your installation
Note: As of Gazebo 1.9 you no longer need to setup your .bashrc to always source Gazebo's setup.sh to export necessary paths.
The first time gzserver is executed requires the download of some models and it could take some time, please be patient. Wait until you see a message like Publicized address: ... and then execute a gazebo client:
I let gzserver run for 14 hours while all the time it was showing that a process was on.
Then my patience ran out and I closed the terminal.
I found that only 2 models had been installed. They were Sun and Ground Plane.
I reran gzserver once again but gave up after 2 hours.
I have fund the tarzip files of all the models are here http://gazebosim.org/models/ You have to drill down each model to get the tarzip file.
If I download the file and install it, it install everything.
Q1 Will this method work instead of waiting or gzserver endlessly. The tarzip files would be extracted to the same directory the directory where Sun and Ground Plane were.
Q2 Will a similar thing work for gzclient?