gazebo(os x 10.9): No valid hardware interface element found in joint
Dear All,
I am using gazebo and ros-hydro on mac os x 10.9.4. Other than gazebo1.9.x, I installed gazebo2.2 from homebrew. Therefore I built indigo-devel branch gazebo_ros_pkgs, ros_control and ros_controllers. Gazebo itself works. But when I did a test using rrbot,
roslaunch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch
I got errors as:
[ INFO] [1405878912.120519000, 0.271000000]: gazebo_ros_control plugin is waiting for model URDF in parameter [/robot_description] on the ROS param server.
[ERROR] [1405878912.225807000, 0.271000000]: No valid hardware interface element found in joint 'joint1'.
[ERROR] [1405878912.225888000, 0.271000000]: Failed to load joints for transmission 'tran1'.
[ERROR] [1405878912.225932000, 0.271000000]: No valid hardware interface element found in joint 'joint2'.
[ERROR] [1405878912.225956000, 0.271000000]: Failed to load joints for transmission 'tran2'.
Then gazebo and robot were shown. I am wondering why gazebo/ros can not find HardwareInterface/EffortJointInterface.
Thank you.