multiple ardrone spawn
Right now, I am using tumsimulator(Fuerte base simulation for ardrone) After I have modified some of them, I was able to spawn 2nd ardrone. I am also able to track the navigating from Rviz for both of ardrone. When I publish "takeoff" command to 1star, it works. However, it doesn't work when I publish to 2ndar/takeoff. 1star just takes the command(2nd_ar/takeoff) and takeoff forever. Does anyone know about this problem?
Main launch file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Start Gazebo with wg world running in (max) realtime -->
<!-- Spawn simulated quadrotor uav -->
<!-- Spawn simulated quadrotor uav -->
<!-- Start rviz visualization with preset config -->
spawnmodel launch file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- push robotdescription to factory and spawn robot in gazebo --> <node name="spawnquadmodel" pkg="gazebo" type="spawnmodel" args="-param robotdescription -urdf -unpause -$(arg initpose) -model $(arg Quadname)" respawn="false" />
<!-- start robot state publisher -->
<!-- node name="hectorposeestimation" pkg="hectorposeestimation" type="hectorposeestimation_node" output="screen"/-->
Asked by Yonggun on 2014-08-14 15:26:47 UTC
I'm now working on tum_simulator for Indigo and I'm seeing exactly the same problem. After some onion peeling, I found several things:
(1) The cameras are spawned successfully for each AR-Drone
(2) The other sensors and state controller aren't spawned correctly and that explains the behavior mentioned above
I wonder if this is some issue of the specific gazebo plugins (all taken from the hector quadrotor projects, except the camera plugin) or maybe they're just not instantiated correctly in the URDF files.
Any direction for debugging this will help.
Asked by Omer on 2016-07-08 04:45:37 UTC
Even though it's 2018 now, I can confirm that the same issue exists now as well. I am working with ROS kinetic + tum_simulator + Gazebo. YOu can see my question on ROS forum here.
If anyone has found a solution to controlling multiple drones in tum_simulator, kindly respond to this.
Asked by malhar on 2018-02-12 21:24:41 UTC