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What namespace does gazebo expects?

asked 2014-08-16 13:25:58 -0500

aknirala gravatar image

HI all,

I installed Ubuntu 14.04 and ros indigo. And gazebo 2.2 also got installed along with it (was not expecting as it is being said that gazebo needs to be installed separately). While running some sample worlds, I found that it waits for certain namesapce. and after few trials gives up. What namespace is it looking for?

The console output is:

$roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch
Warning [] Getting models from[]. This may take a few seconds.

Msg Connected to gazebo master @
Msg Publicized address:
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Warning [] Waited 1seconds for namespaces.
Error [] Waited 11 seconds for namespaces. Giving up.
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
Error [] No namespace found
[ INFO] [1408212911.275419703, 0.023000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1408212911.340969773, 0.086000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.

After this, the world seems to be spawning fine. But, what namespace is it looking for??

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I have this problem too. Did you solve it? The answer posted below regarding environment variables did not help for me.

sterlingm gravatar imagesterlingm ( 2014-11-16 21:23:10 -0500 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2018-01-24 04:05:47 -0500

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

I got the same problem when I ran an example from gazebo official tutorial. I finally solved my problem.Maybe this could help you. Open an example world file such as may found an element like:

<include> <uri>model://modelname</uri> </include>

When you start this world,gazebo will go into ~/.gazebo/models to find a model directory according to the modelname given inside uri.If gazebo can't find a model diretory named by modelname,you'll get a 'No namespace found'. So lookup the world file,find any model it needed and download it to ~/.gazebo/models.You can download models from in your console output) or use bitbucket to clone.

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I added the appropriate files (sun and ground_plane) but it's still throwing the same namespace error. Any ideas?

Void gravatar imageVoid ( 2018-05-11 13:03:33 -0500 )edit

answered 2017-07-09 02:05:48 -0500

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

I disconnected to Internet and worked well. but i dont know why but there's a connection problem ;-0

or edited both /usr/share/gazebo-2.2/ /usr/share/gazebo/


export GAZEBO_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11345 export GAZEBO_MODEL_DATABASE_URI=




$ source /usr/share/gazebo-2.2/

then worked fine

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answered 2015-03-12 09:03:17 -0500

Ratnesh Madaan gravatar image

updated 2015-03-12 09:18:07 -0500

To solve this, update from 2.2 to 2.2.5.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-latest.list' wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

And update Ubuntu.

more details

[EDIT] The above didn't work out for me though. Check the contents of ~/.gazebo/models. I had only ground_plane.
Another solution could be to download them manually and copy paste into ~/.gazebo/models
$ wget -r -R "index\.html*"


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answered 2014-09-04 00:55:02 -0500

Zheng yo chen gravatar image

updated 2014-09-09 19:04:20 -0500

nkoenig gravatar image

It may be caused by wrong environment variable or LD_PATH..?

you can try this

source /usr/local/share/gazebo-2.2/

export GAZEBO_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11345
export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=/usr/local/share/gazebo-2.2:/usr/local/share/gazebo_models
export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gazebo-2.2/plugins
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gazebo-2.2/plugins
export OGRE_RESOURCE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/OGRE
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Asked: 2014-08-16 13:25:58 -0500

Seen: 20,740 times

Last updated: Jul 09 '17