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gazebo_ros_openni_kinect plugin with roll + pitch orientation generates wrong depth image

In the following video you see the comparison between two RGBD sensors placed in different positions.

Both use the gazebo_ros_openni_kinect plugin.

The one that is OK has only a roll rotation of 90 degrees:

<origin xyz=${base_rgbd_x} ${base_rgbd_y} ${base_rgbd_z}" rpy="${90 * deg_to_rad} ${0 * deg_to_rad} 0"/>

Meanwhile, the other has the same roll rotation and 30 degrees of pitch rotation:

<origin xyz=${base_rgbd_x} ${base_rgbd_y} ${base_rgbd_z}" rpy="${90 * deg_to_rad} ${30 * deg_to_rad} 0"/>

The point cloud is wrong. I've also found out that the depth images is wrong. The video compares them with rqtimageview. Apparently, instead of a pitch rotation, it seems that gazebo is using a yaw rotation. This is shown in the video.

I'm using gazebo 1.9.1; is this a known bug, probably fix in newer versions?

Asked by Enrique on 2014-09-12 10:03:53 UTC



I believe I've something similar long ago (is this ros answers related?). I would say that it has more to do with ros_gazebo_pkgs than with gazebo itself.

You could fill an issue in the ros_gazebo_pkgs issue tracker which probably will be the best place to bring a good answer to the problem.

Asked by Jose Luis Rivero on 2014-09-19 05:26:13 UTC


That's exactly what I did, but still no answer:

Asked by Enrique on 2014-09-22 08:02:17 UTC