libgazebo_player failed to initialise.
I just installed Gazebo 4.0 but when I tried to start player configuration file I get this output:
$ player position.cfg
invoking player_driver_init()...
error : failed to resolve player_driver_init: /usr/local/lib/libgazebo_player.
so: undefined symbol: player_driver_init
error : failed to initialise plugin: libgazebo_player
error : failed to parse config file position.cfg driver blocks
I'm following the instructions from the tutorials site of gazebo -> Connect to Player.
My Player vesion is 3.0.2 and this is the content of my position.cfg file:
name "gazebo"
provides ["simulation:0"]
plugin "libgazebo_player"
# The name of a runnign Gazebo world, specified in a .world file
world_name "default"
name "gazebo"
provides ["position2d:0"]
# This name must match the name of a model in the "default" world
model_name "pioneer2dx"
Asked by Serjfrog on 2014-09-13 13:30:30 UTC
This issue was solved in
The Player interface in gazebo is out of date though, you'll also need to fix it.
Asked by rmattes on 2014-12-04 16:34:13 UTC