Bug in joint frame display

asked 2014-10-02 08:56:29 -0500

arennuit gravatar image


I am working on a complex scene and realized something was wrong with the way the joints were displayed. Hence I made another super simple scene highlighting the problem (you can find it below).

On the below scene shown in the picture a joint is rotated 45° around Z and a box link is attached to it. The link is displayed correctly in the picture, but for some reason, the joint is displayed aligned with the world, and not rotated 45° as expected (note that the position of the joint frame is ok, only its rotation is wrong).

image description

Setup: gazebo 4.0 / indigo / trusty

See for yourself with the urdf:

<robot xmlns:xacro="&lt;a href=" http:="" www.ros.org="" wiki="" xacro"="">http://www.ros.org/wiki/xacro" name="lpc" >

  <!-- The chassis is an approximation of the nanotubes, the motors... everything but the polycarbonate sheet. -->
  <property name="chassis_sx" value="0.7874" />  <!-- 31" on plans -->
  <property name="chassis_sy" value="0.5334" />  <!-- 21" on plans -->
  <property name="chassis_sz" value="0.0762" />  <!-- 3" on plans -->

  <property name="wheel_radius" value="0.0758" /> <!-- dummy link - should be 0.001 -->

  <!-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
  <!-- Scene definition. -->
  <!-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -->
  <xacro:macro name="box_inertia" params="sizeX sizeY sizeZ mass *origin">
      <mass value="${mass}" />
      <insert_block name="origin" />
      <inertia ixx="${mass / 12 * (sizeY * sizeY + sizeZ * sizeZ)}" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0"
               iyy="${mass / 12 * (sizeX * sizeX + sizeZ * sizeZ)}" iyz="0.0"
               izz="${mass / 12 * (sizeX * sizeX + sizeY * sizeY)}" />

  <!-- Chassis. -->
  <link name="chassis" >
        <box size="${chassis_sx} ${chassis_sy} ${chassis_sz}" />
      <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 ${wheel_radius}" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
        <box size="${chassis_sx} ${chassis_sy} ${chassis_sz}" />
      <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 ${wheel_radius}" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
    <xacro:box_inertia sizeX="${chassis_sx}" sizeY="${chassis_sy}" sizeZ="${chassis_sz}" mass="5.0">
      <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 ${wheel_radius}" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0" />

  <joint name="dummy_joint" type="continuous">
    <parent link="chassis" />
    <child link = "dummyLink" />
    <origin xyz="0.3 0.0 0.3" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.7854" />
    <axis xyz="0.0 1.0 0.0" />
    <limit effort="100.0" velocity="100.0"/>
    <dynamics damping="0.0" friction="0.0"/>

  <link name="dummyLink" >
        <box size="0.2 0.05 0.2" />
      <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
        <box size="0.2 0.05 0.2" />
      <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
    <xacro:box_inertia sizeX="0.2" sizeY="0.05" sizeZ="0.2" mass="1.0">
      <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0" />


I had a look at the code for JointVisual::Load but everything looked fine in this file...

Does anyone confirm it is a bug? Should I open an issue?



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