How actuators and sensonrs communicate in Gazebo ?
I know that interface in Gazebo is with plugins and sockets (or a middleware like ROS). Plugins provides users a direct access to Gazebo libraries (so we can change for example properties of a model directly) and sockets are used to communication between server and client and enter-process.
But what I don't understand is how sensors and actuators communicate ?
I am a bit confused ?
Thanks in advance
Asked by djou07 on 2014-10-23 15:55:13 UTC
Usually there is a software module in the middle that is considered your robot controller. It reads from sensors and it sends commands to actuators. Often, how your robot reacts to sensor inputs depends on your application and your situation, so this middle layer is usually your custom code. I'm not sure if this answers your question or not.
Asked by Kurt Leucht on 2014-11-03 15:03:40 UTC
thanks for your response, so this software module in the middle is the plugin ?
Asked by djou07 on 2014-11-05 05:40:47 UTC
The Gazebo plugins are there to simulate sensors or to simulate the motors or actuators of your simulated robot. For example, there's an ultrasonic sensor plugin that looks at what's in front of the sensor and publishes a sensor_msgs/Range message. There is also a differential drive plugin that looks at input from a geometry_msgs/Twist message and turns the simulated robot's wheels appropriately. The code that looks at the Range data and publishes Twist commands is your custom robot code.
Asked by Kurt Leucht on 2015-09-14 10:16:47 UTC