What is the difference between red and green contact force visualization in Gazebo client?
When 2 bodies are colliding and I set Gazebo (2.2) to show contacts, there is a blue ball and a line for each contact point. The lines are either red or green.
What do the colors mean?
My estimate is that green is for normal collisions, whereas red is for penetration (which should not occur with rigid bodies).
I assume these two cases can be distinguished using the contact depth information provided in the contact message, and that there is a threshold to tell if the line should be green or red. Where is the definition of the threshold? Or am I completely wrong?
Can you tell me how to visualization the force in gazebo? I mean, as I know, the visualization can only done by rviz, and I am curious about how to do that in gazebo. Or you can post some reference link here. Thanks!
@littleghost, that sounds like a new question, feel free to post a new one