Can this site be merged with
There doesn't seem to be a critical mass of users here. There is only a single question from this year that is on the top upvotes page, with all of 3 votes.
It can be more productive to put a question on because there are more active users there, but then you lose the Gazebo developers. Cross-posting sometimes works.
If not a complete merging, maybe karma and user accounts could be pooled somehow?
There is this question from two years ago about trying to bootstrap karma, the user answered their own question and eventually got some more points, but of course no one else upvoted that question or answer. (trying to access their profile at gives a 500 internal error currently, perhaps another argument for merging if maintaining this site is a burden)
I do find a lot of useful answers on this site but have no way to vote for them, and for the most part no one else either.