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knowing if a model is selected


How are you supposed to find out if a model is currently selected by the user from a model plugin? I've hunted around the Model and Entity classes and can't find any variables which store this information.

If there isn't currently a way, I could set a boolean in the model class when its selected / deselected in the method GLWidget::SetSelectedVisual. But how do you get a model from a visual?



Asked by jdddog on 2014-11-28 04:17:20 UTC


To get a model from a visual, you can use Visual::GetRootVisual

Asked by chapulina on 2014-12-01 10:59:45 UTC

Sweet thanks!

Asked by jdddog on 2014-12-02 19:18:44 UTC


There is a pull request that will help resolve this issue. This functionality will make it into Gazebo 5.0, at which point you'll be able to subsribe to the ~/selection topic to get model selection information.

In the mean time you can write a GUI plugin that publishes the information to your model plugin. A key piece of information is that the GUI operates in a different process than the server. You model plugin runs on the server, and therefore does not have direct access to the GUI. The solution is to use a pub/sub mechanism.

Asked by nkoenig on 2014-12-02 16:30:49 UTC


Ok thanks for the explanation, that makes sense now :)

Asked by jdddog on 2014-12-02 19:17:12 UTC