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Multiple robots with multiple robot_descriptions and ros controllers?

Does anyone have a basic example of multiple robots each with a unique robot description and set of ros_control controllers, being loaded from a ros launch file and running alongside each other?

I've run into some problems trying to accomplish that described partially here , it seems like I can't launch a controller for the second robot because robot_description lies within a namespace- perhaps I'm forgetting to pass/remap a parameter for robot_description? (though it isn't clear how the gazebo would know I've done that on the controller loading end if it is on the other side of a service call)

Asked by Lucas Walter on 2014-12-09 14:34:11 UTC


@Lucas Did you solve the problem? I am launching Gazebo Shadow robot arm-hand first and then rrbot (from here And I can not launch these robots in one launch file. When I lunch them separately, it seems that /robot_description is overwritten by the second robot.

Asked by nomad on 2015-04-02 06:49:58 UTC

@Lucas Did you manage to get an example of multiple robots each with a unique robot description and set of ros_control controllers? I'm also stuck at loading the controllers.

Asked by webvenky on 2015-09-13 23:47:07 UTC


Running multiple robots in ROS is a known issue. Try googling "ros multimaster". I don't have personal experience with multiple robots + ROS.

Asked by nkoenig on 2014-12-11 14:04:33 UTC
