Recommended way of using Gazebo with ROS Groovy
Hi Simulators!
I'm trying to get my robot simulation working with Gazebo (currently 1.2.5) in ROS Groovy.
After I checked the ROS wiki, the Gazebosim docs and the Q&A here, I'm still confused what the actual recommended way of using Gazebo with ROS Groovy is.
More precisely:
- Which version(s) of Gazebo will be supported in/is recommended for Groovy?
- Do I have to start maintaining an extra SDF description of my robot? (If yes, is/will SDF supported in other parts of ROS, e.g. robot state publisher?)
- Are there Tutorials available for ROS users to get quickly up to speed?
There is already some related documentation out there, such as installation instructions and tutorials with notes regarding ROS. So, it might be sufficient to put a brief note somewhere to point ROS users like me in the right direction (linking to the recommended installation instructions and tutorials).
Thanks for your help!