Gazebo to test a flight controller
Hi all! Im actually building a quadcopter (accelerometer+gyroscopemotor+props+esc...) I would like to develop my own flight controller.
Just discovered Gazebo. Do you think Gazebo could be interesting to develop and test a flight controller? (Dont wanna use much time creating 3d models, etc...)
Asked by jasomo on 2015-01-19 10:15:13 UTC
You can take a look at hector_quadrotor. It uses ROS and not pure Gazebo, but implements everything you need for flying a quadrotor in Gazebo. This means you could re-write parts of all of the controller and experiment with it. You could also strip out the ROS parts if you like.
Asked by Stefan Kohlbrecher on 2015-01-23 10:27:11 UTC
Hello. Are there any details about the mapping between the PWM values and RPMs for the propellers? This seems relevant for the (non-Twist) flight controllers.
Asked by SL Remy on 2015-01-26 15:08:35 UTC