Can Not visualize contacts in gazebo 2.2
II am running gazebo 2.2
I want to visualize contacts
So, I click "View" -> "Contacts"
But nothing happens
Am I losing some step?
Thank you~
II am running gazebo 2.2
I want to visualize contacts
So, I click "View" -> "Contacts"
But nothing happens
Am I losing some step?
Thank you~
You may also want to View transparent
, but you should also make sure that the model hasn't auto-disabled. Most simple shapes will auto-disable after a few seconds resting on a ground plane. Try inserting the double_pendulum_with_base
, since models with joints will not auto-disable.
Asked: 2015-02-15 23:30:20 -0600
Seen: 293 times
Last updated: Feb 17 '15
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