SetWorldPose() and spinning wheels
I just created my first sdf robot (a wheeled robot) and first few plugins. I am trying to move my simulated robot in the world to match the position of the real robot as given by an external source of pose (a motion tracking system). Following my reading of documentation and a few posts, I use SetWorldPose() to do that, which works. Except that the robot just slides, the wheels not spinning at all, the result not looking realistic at all.
The "obvious" solution would be to control the wheels to move the robot to the desired position, but (1) this is not so trivial and (2) may well result in the simulated robot never catching up with the real robot.
Any suggestion?
Cheers, Fred
Asked by flabrosse on 2015-03-10 04:06:22 UTC
I have done some more tests and for some reason if I use a DEM rather than the default ground plane then the wheels do spin...
EDIT: Actually, the wheel rotation I was observing was due to the dynamics of the model on the DEM, not my SetWorldPose(). So the question still stands, unfortunately.
Asked by flabrosse on 2015-03-11 10:59:16 UTC