Start My World as Deafault
Hello Dear Users,
My question is: I am working on UR10, and I have downloaded from ROS the package UniversalRobot in this way I can simulate the UR10 and control it via Rviz. The command i always use to open up the ur10 model in gazebo is: roslaunch urgazebo ur10.launch limited:=true now my question is: I have created a world via the Model Editor to have a simulation that looks like the Lab. where i am working from. How to include this file i created Labor.sdf in the roslaunch ur_gazebo ur10.launch limited:=true so that every time i execute the code, the ur10 and the World i have created will come up.
All the best wishes!
p.s i found this piece of code:
<!-- startup simulated world -->
How would i Include my world and not the empty world.
Thank you very much ^^
Asked by edo_raci on 2015-03-10 07:00:01 UTC
In your world file, add this
And then in the launch file, use this
<include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
<arg name="world_name" value="[world_file_location]"/>
Change everything in [ ] according to your model/world file's locations. You may also need to change the GAZEBO_ MODEL_PATH or GAZEBO _ RESOURCE _ PATH for gazebo to find your model/world files.
Asked by winston on 2015-03-10 18:54:32 UTC
It worked, actually i only had to change the launch file, the rest did work just amazing. Thank you for the great help!
Asked by edo_raci on 2015-03-11 06:16:38 UTC
Another Question: How do i start the UR10 model not to be fixed on the ground but on a table?
Asked by edo_raci on 2015-03-11 06:45:30 UTC
You can change the
Asked by winston on 2015-03-11 07:06:20 UTC
If this problem is solve, please mark this answer as solved by clicking the check. @edo_raci
Asked by winston on 2015-03-21 22:16:53 UTC