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SkyX integration and advanced features?

Hi, I'm looking to get a more realistic sky in my simulation, including a sun or moon. It seems that the sdf tags trigger use of SkyX in Gazebo. If I wanted to use more of SkyX than what's in the sdf spec, would I need to write a Gazebo plugin, and where do I look for the hooks into the sky rendering within Gazebo?


Asked by hal9000 on 2015-03-19 14:58:48 UTC



The skyx code would be difficult to manipulate via a plugin. You'll have the most luck directly editing Gazebo. Start by forking Gazeob, and looking in gazebo/rendering/

If you make improvements, please submit a pull-request. We'd love some help with skyx.

Asked by nkoenig on 2015-03-19 18:54:22 UTC


Ok, Thanks!

Asked by hal9000 on 2015-03-30 13:02:14 UTC

I see the code now, and I finally realized that the sun is always "on" while it's daytime. I never noticed it because it was always so high in the sky! I'd like to connect the skyX sun location to a light source (a modified sun model?) that tracks the sun direction (via getSunDirection()). Perhaps that could be done with a plugin?

Asked by hal9000 on 2015-03-30 13:06:11 UTC