Kobuki/Turtlebot doesn't move when given velocity commands in Gazebo 5
I'm using ROS Indigo with Gazebo 5 and kobuki_desktop compiled from source. The Kobuki shows up and can be moved when given a force on its wheel_left_joint and wheel_right_joint but does not move when libgazebo_ros_kobuki.so set SetVelocity commands. I can see that the wheels ALSO spins in this case, but there isn't forward movement aside from some jittering.
In Gazebo 2, this used to work fabulously. Does anyone know what in particular changed between these Gazebo 2 & 5 that is breaking it?
World Used: empty.world
URDF Used: kobuki.urdf.xacro
I think I know why this happened, and I think it's related to a change in gazebo to enable Coulomb joint friction. Let me see if I can fix it...