change Maximum number of contacts , max_contacts, allowed between two entities gazebo ros
Calling service
rosservice call /gazebo/set_physics_properties
and setting max_contacts to 100 does not work.
After calling service
rosservice call /gazebo/get_physics_properties
the max_contacts is still 20.
Calling rosparam set /gazebo/max_contacts 100 does not work.
How can I overwrite the max_contacts parameter?
Asked by nomad on 2015-04-06 05:15:46 UTC
Hi there,
have you tried using max_contacts
from the physics
tag or max_contacts
from the collision
Cheers, Andrei
Asked by AndreiHaidu on 2015-04-09 04:32:50 UTC
Hi! Did not work.
Asked by nomad on 2015-04-14 07:55:48 UTC
might be the issue of the urdf parser as well, have you tried it with sdf?
Asked by AndreiHaidu on 2015-04-14 09:05:24 UTC
I had a really quick look at the max_contact setters and find it strange the way the value is set compared to other set value : this->sdf->GetElement("max_contacts")->GetValue()->Set(value); [EDIT] Apparently this is ok as getvalue retrieves a paramPtr which can be set
Asked by guihome on 2015-04-14 12:03:02 UTC
the solution suggested by Andrei works on my side in gazebo2 on trusty if the <max_contacts>100</max_contacts>
is put in the .world config after the physics tag (not in the urdf)
but I looked deeper to understand why the service to set physics properties does not work. I found the reason and this is a problem only before gazebo 3.0. From gazebo_ros the set physics properties service calls the generic PhysicsEngine setMaxContacts which does not in turn call the derived ODEPhysicsEngine setMaxContacts due to a mismatch between the arguments types between the class and its parent class (double vs unsigned int) This fix and the following probably solved the issue in gazebo 3.0
recompiling gazebo2.2 from source with the double to unsigned int worked for me, I could set max contacts with the set_physics_properties
Asked by guihome on 2015-04-14 14:42:01 UTC