Should URDF in Gazebo tutorials be replaced with SDF?
Migrated from ROS' community's website.
In the QA thread "SDF vs URDF what should one use?" (on, URDF
is not recommended on gazebo
in favor of SDF
. But from the answer in this thread, sounds like URDF will still be supported on gazebo
. Can we keep the tutorial using URDF
A couple of comments there:
It would be better to have one standard (and also use the new version
of Gazebo in ROS), would prevent a lot of problems. But URDF is also
used in RVIZ which doesn't care about the extra proporties like
friction. @Davinci
I'm in favour. I'm new and the learning curve is steep when I need to
pull bits of advice off of gazebosim (usually SDF) and ros answers
(URDF) and figure out what's valid where and in which version of Gazebo.
@Benjamin Blumer
I'm in favour. I'm new and the learning curve is steep when I need to pull bits of advice off of gazebosim (usually SDF) and ros answers (URDF) and figure out what's valid where and in which version of Gazebo.