How can I reset the simulation properly in Gazebo 4 with ROS Indigo?
I'm using ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04. Trying to work with simulation for a project. I need to reset the simulation and start over for quick testing. If I use Gazebo 2.x series with ROS Indigo, resetting simulation works without any problem, I can move robots again.
But when I use Gazebo 4, for example launching with this:
roslaunch gazebo_plugins multi_robot_scenario.launch
After moving robots and resetting the simulation, movement doesn't work. I've to launch the simulation all over again.
Any ideas? (Let me know if I need to provide any information, logs etc.)
Can you post your world file? How are you resetting simulation? How are you driving your robots?
I'm using **`gazebo_plugins`** package's `multi_robot_scenario.launch` file, here take a look: Resetting is done in Gazebo, Edit, Reset World (Ctrl + R shortcut). Movement is simple, just sending Twist commands to related topic, take a look at gist:
Can you check if the wheels are spinning (turn on joint visualization)? If they are spinning, then something may have happened to the physics update calculations. If they are not spinning, then it's likely the twist message was not received somehow.
@nkoenig I checked, they're not spinning.