Wind simulation in Gazebo
Hi guys, for my ROS model simulation I need to write a plugin for the wind simulation. Now: I ve read this topic but all the suggested links are broken. I've read all the tutorial about writing a plugin for a specific model and for world's dynamic effects. The problem is: how should I create a model for simulating wind? I need some help to understand better how to implement it.
Let's say that my robot outputs its position information through a topic. I would create a plugin that puts a velocity vector in the world and acts on the same topic for the actual position. Does it make sense? Am I on the right way, or not?
Many thanks
Asked by Antares on 2015-05-11 12:11:49 UTC
We created a very basic wind_plugin
which just applies a force to some body, you can take a look at maybe this is sufficient for your application, otherwise you could modify this and make it a world plugin such that it acts on multiple bodies.
If this is not sufficient, you probably want to be a bit more specific, what kind of wind you want to simulate.
Asked by ffurrer on 2015-05-27 06:01:30 UTC
Hi ! Maybe you could help me with my wind simulation? Thanks in advance
Asked by Frodo on 2021-05-29 04:02:21 UTC