Guide to implement code with Gazebo
I would like to implement a code that moves a turtlebot straightforward and see it on Gazebo. At first, I tried to paste the code i a Gazebo Plugin but it looks like when I run a launch file that sets the robot on a planned world, it doesn't respond.
This is the code(without implementation in a Gazebo plugin):
* * Hello World and Crash for Turtlebot
* * Moves Turtlebot forward until you ctrl + c
* * Tested using TurtleBot 2, ROS Indigo, Ubuntu 14.04
* */
#include <iostream>
#include <ros ros.h="">
#include <geometry_msgs twist.h="">
int main(int argc, char** argv)
//init the ROS node
// ROS_INFO_STREAM("Hello World");
// ros::init(argc, argv, "robot_driver");
// ros::NodeHandle nh;
// //init publisher
// ros::Publisher cmd_vel_pub_;
// cmd_vel_pub_ = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::twist>("cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop", 1);
// //init direction that turtlebot should go
// geometry_msgs::Twist base_cmd;
// base_cmd.linear.x = base_cmd.linear.y = base_cmd.angular.z = 0;
// //and let's go forward by setting X to a positive value
// base_cmd.linear.x = 0.25;
// ROS_INFO_STREAM("And Crashing ... ctrl + c to stop me :)");
// while(nh.ok()) { //have we ctrl + C? If no... keep going!
// //"publish" sends the command to turtlebot to keep going
// cmd_vel_pub_.publish(base_cmd);
// }
// }
What should I do?
By the way, how come I can't see the cmd_vel_mux topic by picking the topic visualization tab on Gazebo?