Gazebo is a standalone application that lives outside of ROS. Up to and including G-turtle, ROS has pulled in a specific version of Gazebo in order to maintain ABI and API compatibility with the rest of the ROS ecosystem.
Gazebo will be maintaining ABI and API compatibility, so ROS will transition to using the system install of Gazebo in H-Turtle.
We are telling people to use the standalone version of Gazebo because it is most actively maintained, updated, and tested version.
Not a solution yet but a ticket is opened on ROS wiki
's issue tracker.
Asked: 2013-01-16 16:34:25 -0500
Seen: 2,048 times
Last updated: Jan 19 '13
Just saw that the statement for installing version 1.2, which currently comes with ROS, has been changed as well. This doesn't make sense to me, too. Why should one install Gazebo again, if installation works fine "the ROS way" (apt-get install ros-*-gazebo-simulator)?!