DRC sim - Atlas loading error
I have the DRCSim installed following the instructions given on the page http://gazebosim.org/wiki/InstallDRC I run gazebo fom the terminal and the GUI opens but when i try to load the robot Atlas into it, it gets stuck and says the following error.
Error [gazeboroslaser.cpp:153] Not loading plugin since ROS hasn't been properly initialized.
Try starting gazebo with ros plugin:
gazebo -s libgazeborosapi.so
Error [gazeboroscamera_utils.cpp:234] Not loading plugin since ROS hasn't been properly
initialized. Try starting gazebo with ros plugin:
gazebo -s libgazeborosapi.so
Error [gazeboroscamera_utils.cpp:234] Not loading plugin since ROS hasn't been properly
initialized. Try starting gazebo with ros plugin:
gazebo -s libgazeborosapi.so
Error [AtlasPlugin.cc:135] rfootcontact_sensor not found
Error [AtlasPlugin.cc:144] lfootcontact_sensor not found
Error [AtlasPlugin.cc:159] Not loading plugin since ROS hasn't been properly initialized. Try
starting gazebo with ros plugin:
gazebo -s libgazeborosapi.so
Error [gazeborosjoint_trajectory.cpp:108] Not loading plugin since ROS hasn't been properly
initialized. Try starting gazebo with ros plugin:
gazebo -s libgazeborosapi.so
Error [gazeboroscontroller_manager.cpp:127] Not loading plugin since ROS hasn't been properly
initialized. Try starting gazebo with ros plugin:
gazebo -s libgazeborosapi.so
Error [gazeborosimu.cpp:124] Not loading plugin since ROS hasn't been properly initialized. Try
starting gazebo with ros plugin:
gazebo -s libgazeborosapi.so
I have been using gazebo for 2 weeks and it was working fine. I have this problem from only today, now I am not able to run this world as well
roslanch atlas_utils atlas.launch
It loads and then just dissappears.
Can someone please help me .
THank YOu