Failed to load plugin, no such file or directory, Gazebo 5.0 with ROS
Hi everyone,
I've been reading through many similar questions and trying their solutions however with no avail. I'm fairly new to Gazebo and while I've tried some other solutions, it may not have worked due to vagueness in the answer, differences over the different Gazebo versions or I may have simply missed something obvious. It seems upon trying to load any plugin, either my own or given Gazebo examples, it fails to load with the error below.
[Err] [Plugin.hh:153] Failed to load plugin cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I'm using Gazebo 5.0 with ROS, installed from source, running on Ubuntu, my GAZEBOPLUGINPATH was originally empty by default, It now contains "/home/elias/catkin_ws/devel"
Does anyone have any ideas or solutions?
Thanks in advance.
Asked by MBauer on 2015-06-29 08:39:21 UTC
I was having some issues like this working with Gazebo 5 on Indigo. Unless you're on Jade, make sure that gazebo_ros is in your workspace.
Asked by mikepurvis on 2015-07-03 11:34:25 UTC