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Error while loading gazebo

I wanted to test the vrc task 3 environment and thus ran the following command to try it in gazebo and drcsim

    VRC_CHEATS_ENABLED=1 roslaunch drcsim_gazebo vrc_task_3.launch

And after few processes, I got the following error

    [gazebo-2] process has died [pid 4327, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/share/drcsim_gazebo/scripts/run_gazebo -q -r --record_encoding=zlib --record_path=/tmp/vrc_task_3 __name:=gazebo   

     log file: /home/ln/.ros/log/11d0d0c6-464a-11e5-99ce-002564e606aa/gazebo-2*.log

How can I solve this? Is it related to graphic card anyway?

Asked by Tonystark124 on 2015-08-19 03:17:03 UTC



The most probable cause is that you have the gzclient or gzserver opened. Try with

killall gzserver

kilall gzclient

(and with ctrl+C in the terminal)

Asked by ROS_GAZEBO_USER on 2015-08-21 02:01:29 UTC


I get the following output while running the above commands " gzserver: no process found " . similar is the case with gzclient

Asked by Tonystark124 on 2015-08-25 13:48:09 UTC

This is a bug in Gazebo. I am facing the same problem.

Asked by Dr. Abdul-Mannan Khan on 2017-09-27 06:12:36 UTC

This works for me. Thanks!

Asked by Ishan on 2020-07-22 07:17:01 UTC

it works for me too, thanks

Asked by saran96 on 2021-06-12 02:06:49 UTC