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Aruco Detection in Gazebo VS Real Life


I'm a student and I'm working with ROS and gazebo for simulation. I'm using this package ( that uses Aruco Markers and gives poses of the Arucos.

I started with Gazebo and I was getting really high error in the detected Arucos Marker poses, now that I'm working with actual robots and with Kinects and I get almost no error in the measurements of the Aruco poses. They are almost perfect, like 1 degrees of error, comparing to the almost ~10 degree error in the Gazebo simulator.

In Gazebo I used a simulated camera 1980x1082 and in real life I only have a Kinect that is 640x480.

I also added a little bit of noise to the simulated camera in Gazebo.

Who can I justify this differences in the results? I was expecting real life situation to be worst then in Gazebo.

Thx so much for the help! Gazebo is amazing.

Asked by Paulo on 2015-09-07 09:51:26 UTC


i have the same experience. Do you have any new information about this?

Asked by l0g1x on 2015-09-24 14:18:53 UTC

I am also facing a similar problem..... with simulated xtion / Kinect resolution 640 x 480. Do you have any update on this?

Asked by Spyjit on 2015-12-10 11:47:01 UTC

how does one reproduce the error?

Asked by hsu on 2015-12-11 16:29:34 UTC
