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DRC IMU Link not publishing transform

We've noticed that DRC sim 1.3 and earlier) have an IMU that is sending reasonable (yet understandably noisy) data, but there is no transform being published between the pelvis and the imu_link, so that data can't be used. Currently , we are publishing a static transform every second or so between these, but we need to know (A) if this is reasonable, (B) if this will be fixed in 2.0, (C) why the imu_link is set to be a revolute joint in the model and not a fixed joint (goes back to (A)).

DRC IMU Link not publishing transform

We've noticed that DRC sim 1.3 and earlier) have an IMU that is sending reasonable (yet understandably noisy) data, but there is no transform being published between the pelvis and the imu_link, imu_link, so that data can't be used. Currently , we are publishing a static transform every second or so between these, but we need to know (A) if this is reasonable, (B) if this will be fixed in 2.0, (C) why the imu_link imu_link is set to be a revolute joint in the model and not a fixed joint (goes back to (A)).