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Is there an existing model for a ball on beam system?

Hello everyone, I have a couple of hours next week that I was planning to spend with our favorite simulation framework. Before I started though, I wanted to check if there already was an existing model of a ball on beam, or a ball on plate system.

If not, I was going to follow Building a Visual Robot Model with URDF from Scratch assuming that still is how things are built in Gazebo these days.

Is there an existing model for a ball on beam system?

Hello everyone, I have a couple of hours next week that I was planning to spend with our favorite simulation framework. Before I started though, I wanted to check if there already was an existing model of a ball on beam, or a ball on plate system.

If not, I was going to follow Building a Visual Robot Model with URDF from Scratch assuming that still is how things are built in Gazebo these days.